Susan has spent many years acquiring skills and techniques that have expanded her work and enabled a deeper understanding of how each person holds within themselves the ability to heal. Most of us require help in its discovery, which is why she calls herself an “energy healing facilitator”.
It has been said, “A healer is not someone you go to FOR healing. A healer is someone who triggers within you your own ability to heal yourself.”
This ability is not dependent on a religious or spiritual belief but is our birthright. It works, or not, as far as we permit and allows us to proceed at our own pace. She will respect your space and your pace.
Here are the tools she has available:
Biofield Tuning, sound therapy with tuning forks
Crystals and stones
Light-Life® tools
Sacred Geometry
Young Living® essential oils
Sacred and healing mathematics
Please see below for more information on each of the tools she has available.
Biofield Tuning:
The basic premise of Biofield Tuning is that every emotional and traumatic experience leaves a charge in our etheric body. This helps us understand why certain triggers remain so persistent, even though we might have worked to defuse them.
The charge trapped in the etheric/energy body by physical and emotional trauma can be set free and brought to coherence using several techniques available through the Biofield Tuning method.
One such technique is called the Field Comb. Holding a vibrating tuning fork in the energy field balances any charge, which is then swept into the corresponding chakra and integrated into the entire energy system. This makes more energy available and often brings a feeling of light and comfort. And because the forks work with the actual substance of the problem, the effects of the treatment take shape right away. The process is rather like using a comb to untangle knots in the hair. Nothing is taken away, but smoothed out and integrated.
The Sonic Meridian Flush, on the other hand, works by setting vibrating weighted forks on the body using the Chinese meridian system as a guide. This method helps open the body’s meridian system and ensures proper energy flow throughout the whole body. It is deeply relaxing and aids in shifting perception and perspective. This technique is also useful for those unaccustomed to energy work and prepares the body for further work in their own healing process.
There are several techniques available through this method. The Adrenal Rhythm can be reset for more vibrant health and energy. Specific organs and skeletal structures can be targeted. We can work on the palm of the hand for a quick adjustment and with our client sitting up in a chair, as we do at metaphysical fairs.
She has been trained and has done many sessions, in the Biofield Tuning method at a distance. These sessions have consistently brought about profound healing and a shifting of perspective for her clients, even over a thousand miles away.
She is also available for group sessions.
Please refer to the Sessions page on this site for more information regarding distance and group sessions.
The benefits of Biofield Tuning are evident no matter who does the work. The maximum, however, is reached when the practitioner is tuned into the client’s goals and listens to the signals encountered in the energy field in a way that enables the client to assimilate and digest the experience. With her unique and individual skills, she is able to work with you to maximize the benefits so that the process feels safe and protective of your preferences.
The Biofield Tuning method was pioneered by Eileen Day McKusick. Visit her website for personal information, various products, and videos: https://biofieldtuning.com/ . Susan is a certified practitioner.
Please Note: Biofield Tuning and its associated processes should not be relied upon as health, medical, psychological, or other professional advice of any kind or nature. It is contraindicated for a short list of conditions that should be discussed with the practitioner.
In 2014, Susan received hands-on training based on Marjorie De Muynck's, "Sound Healing: Vibrational Healing with Ohm Tuning Forks":

Crystals and Stones
Since ancient times, crystals and stones have been used for healing purposes. People lived more intuitively and were able to recognize the energy and power in certain stones and crystals. In our modern times, humans have been educated and conditioned to think literally and filter their experiences through a narrow view of possibilities, mainly perpetrated by the emphasis on science and logic.
To dare to set aside this emphasis is to enter a realm of new possibilities and opportunities. It appears that more and more of us are willing to do so.
We view our use of crystals and stones as an important ingredient of our energy work and a valuable tool for breaking up energy blockages and/or facilitating energy movement. Each crystal or stone has its own “signature” and contributes something unique when used during a session. Intuitive knowledge is invaluable. Faith and trust that beyond science and logic is a vast realm of possibilities are essential.
With research and study, you will find references to the individual frequency and vibration of each stone and crystal. There is a wealth of information available on the internet and in books. They can be seen as agents, not only of healing but self-transformation and spiritual insight. And they are tools for unifying the study of holistic health, spirituality, and science.
For the most part, their use is gentle and soothing. They are part of our constellation of healing and energy movement, used as she is directed by her client’s purpose, intent in the session, and her own intuitive guidance.

Sacred Mathematics
Each number has its own vibration and frequency, just as our words do. We can take note of the intent and the vibration that is communicated in our language by the structure and the inherent meaning in sentences.
For example, “I love you” has one effect while “I hate you” has the opposite. The choice of words affects the message, as well as how they are utilized in a sentence.
A primary difference, however, between number sequences and word usage is that no single number has a predetermined negative meaning. That is a human invention, whereas numbers represent universal concepts.
Consider: “Sacred Mathematics, by way of definition, refers to the concepts which, according to ancient (and a few modern) scholars, encompassed all of creation in mathematical terms.”
Assuming the above statement as truth, then various sequences of numbers convey the frequency and vibration of different concepts that hold the truth in all of creation.
For example: the number sequence 3490 = Love
Focus on the numbers, write them on paper and carry it in your pocket, whisper them to yourself during moments of quiet and after some time, you can feel their effect.
One sequence of numbers that we use in our work is 984 = Trust in the Divine Plan. In dynamic times such as ours, many have lost trust and flounder in their purpose in life.
Perhaps you have noticed a consistency in numbers showing up in your life. Most common are reports of recurring numbers on our digital clocks. A certain sequence such as 11:11 or 3:33.
If curiosity leads you to find out more about a recurring number sequence, your research into the meaning of the numbers will help you discover what resonates with you and how they may help you move forward in your life. The internet and books can show you the way.
Susan uses numerous number sequences in her work to increase its effectiveness, spark her client’s inner discovery, and bring in many layers of frequency and vibration. It is, generally speaking, a gentle addition and yet powerful in its effects.

Light-Life® tools
“Light-Life Technology uses subtle energy fields derived from a combination of sacred geometry with quantum physics for unprecedented energy healing applications.” https://www.lightlifetechnology.com
“Quantum physics has shown that ultimately, everything is light. Light is energy, and science has proven that all energy is interconnected; all life is in unity with (and vibrating at levels that reflect) a constant evolution toward higher levels of harmony and balance. In other words, given a low and high vibration, energy will always rise to the higher vibration, which is its true nature.
Earth energies can be positive or negative, beneficial or detrimental, in terms of their impact on the earth itself, and on those who live and work in close proximity to them. Unfortunately, in our modern world, negative energies abound due to many factors, including: the pollution of our air, water, and soil, and an increase in Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) to our environment. The earth is now largely shrouded in a negative energy grid, which has impacted the whole of humanity and life.
Researcher and inventor Slim Spurling created Light-Life Tools to support and speed up the natural healing processes by raising the vibration on a cellular level. This can be accomplished by the tensor field emitted by the Light-Life Rings, by using the Light-Life Acu-Vac Coil or Light-Life Feedback Loop to remove pain, or by activating any of the Light-Life Harmonizers, which produce a cosmic light field that generates harmony and renewal. The results: healing restored balance for humans, plants, animals, and the environment.”
The tools that Susan uses from this technology to facilitate the work are primarily the rings of varied sizes and the Harmonizer. The Harmonizer effectively increases and clears the energy field in our healing space, while the rings focus on the effects of the tuning forks.
More information is available through the website link provided above, as well as the products and tools offered.
Essential Oils
The use of plants and their distilled oils has been around for centuries. The most well-known application is in aromatherapy, in which the aroma of the plant essence is inhaled and is said to affect brain function.
They are also used topically, on the skin, where they are absorbed into the body and can affect physical health and well-being. “It seeks to unify physiological, psychological, and spiritual processes to enhance an individual’s innate healing process.” https://naha.org/explore-aromatherapy/about-aromatherapy/what-is-aromatherapy/
Essential oils are a vast subject and affect people in a variety of ways that are best learned by careful study and research. Most of us are at least familiar with what they are and how they can be used.
Some of the ways that Susan usea essential oils is by rubbing an oil known for its grounding properties on the bottom of the feet. Or by allowing a client to take a whiff during the session for calming or release.
In considering that each plant has its own frequency, vibration, and energy signature, then it follows that individual oils and their blends have a unique signature as well. And while inhaling the aroma or rubbing a small amount on the skin is helpful, sometimes all that is needed is to place the bottle of oil in the energy field or have the client hold the bottle. Sometimes Susan “activates” the oil by setting a vibrating tuning fork on it.
Susan respects that some people are allergic to or are repelled by essential oils and/or strong scents. They are not an essential part of her practice and function as a layer of frequency and vibration that can be easily subtracted.
Susan's husband, Roger, is a distributor of Young Living® oils. Please let her know if you would prefer that they be taken out of the session.
“Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on of hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and well-being. Many have reported miraculous results.
Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.”
Retrieved from http://www.reiki.org/faq/whatisreiki.html
As with most methods and techniques, there are levels of skill in Reiki that can be achieved. Levels I, II, III & Master.
Susan is a Reiki Master and offers touch and no-touch Reiki to enhance every aspect of the work.